Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Cara Menginstall OpenERP 6.0 (Bagian 2 -4)

Install Postgresql dan pgadmin3

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql

$ sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

Langkah berikutnya adalah membuat postgreesql user. Masuklah ke posgres.

$ sudo su postgres
$ createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --pwprompt openerp

Enter password for new role: XXXXXXXXXX
Enter it again: XXXXXXXXXX
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y

  •  --createdb  : user baru bisa buat database
  •  --username postgres         : createuser menggunakan postgres user (superuser)
  • --no-createrole : user baru tidak dapat membuat user lain          
  • --pwprompt : createuser akan meminta password baru
  • Postgres (warna merah)   : nama database. Anda bisa memberi nama apapun yang anda inginkan.
  • openerp (warna merah)   : username baru. Anda bisa memberi nama apapun yang anda inginkan.
  • XXXXXXXXXX (warna merah) : password baru

Cara Mudah Install OpenERP 6.0 (Bagian I - 4)

Disini saya akan memberikan dokumentasi tentang instalasi OpenERP 6.0 di Ubuntu 12.04.
Ada 4 langkah utama untuk menginstall OpenERP sebagai web client
1.       Persiapan
2.       Konfigurasi dan instalasi PostgreSQL Server
3.       OpenERP Server Installation
4.       OpenERP Web Installation

Download openERP server dan openERP web-client dalam bentuk tar di

Setelah itu ekstrak file tar yang sudah di download dengan perintah
    $ sudo tar –xzf openerp-server-6.0.0.tar.gz
    $ sudo tar –xzf openerp-web-6.0.0.tar.gz

Update Ubuntu

Disini kita harus mengupdate dulu Ubuntu kita. Jika anda sudah meng-update dan meng-upgrade Ubuntu, anda bisa lanjutkan ke langkah instalasi openerp-server. Jika belum, disini dicontohkan cara meng-update dan meng-upgrade Ubuntu dari server kambing ui.

Buka Source list

$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Copy-kan code ini di akhir bari kode-kode source list

### sources.list.kambing
### Repository dengan menggunakan server mirror
### Untuk rilis lain selain  precise silakan ganti semua kata
### dengan misalnya precise dsb
deb precise main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src precise main restricted universe multiverse
deb precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb precise-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src oneiric-security main restricted universe multiverse

Lalu save source list yang sudah ditambahkan kode di atas.

Ugrade Ubuntu

Lakukan upgrade Ubuntu

                $ sudo apt-get upgrade

Daftar Sumber

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Step by step to Send Gmail from OpenERP

The main steps to send email from openERP throught gmail:
  1. You have had gmail account 
  2. Install email_template module in your openERP
  3. Create and configure email account
  4. Try to send email to your friend :)

You have had gmail account. You can register in

Install email_template module throught Administration --> Modules --> Update Module List.
After you installed it, you would find Tools menu.

Create and configure email account. Go to Tools --> Configuration --> Email Template --> Email Account  then create new account.

Configure Server Information,
Server :
SMPT port : 587 or 25
TLS : checked
After that try to test outgoing connection. In my experience, my testing got the result "WARNING" but without messages. It is indication that you are success even you get result "WARNING". But if you got result "WARNING" and some message there, you just try to make sure your configuration like above and don't forget to try combination between port 587 and 25.

Then configure user Information,
from email : fill with your gmail
password : your gmail password
user name : your username that you want
related user : choose your user login.
Don't forget to approve your account then.

Try to send email to your friend :)

Go to Tools --> Email Template --> Emails and the create new email to sent.

Fill the form like you send an email just like usual. The important things you have to do is choose user account. Go to tab advanced d then choose user account that you have configured before. See the picture below.

After that, go to tab Standard body again and click Send Mail button.

Tell to your friend that you've sent an email and see what the miracle! :D
Good Luck

How to Connect openERP to Gmail?

I've try to connect openERP with my gmail account. This is the way I've done.

Step 1
You have to install CRM module and fetchmail module.
Fetchmail module is the main module to configure email server.

Step 2

Go to Sales --> Configure --> Emails --> Email Server

Create new email server and configure it just like what I've done here

Name : Google
Server Type : IMAP Server
Server :
Port : 993
username : your gmail account.
password : your gmail password.

You also have to check : Add attachment, active, SSL

Dont forget to confirm your configuration

Step 3
Refresh your browser and look at
Go to Sales --> Configure --> Emails --> Email Server
 You will see some message over there from your gmail. Good Luck :)

How to Remove OpenERP from Linux? [SOLVED]

Make sure all OpenERP program is not running.

sudo kill -9 $(ps ax | grep openerp-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')

Code above will kill all processes containing "openerp-server"

Now, if you used the deb packages (by means of apt-get install, used synaptic, or any other easy-to-do instance). You should probably try uninstalling doing the following:
sudo deluser --remove-home --force openerp
sudo apt-get purge openerp-server openerp-client
Maybe it have had some trouble with the second command alone. The suggested way is you have to remove the openerp user first by this code.
sudo updatedb
sudo rm -fr /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/openerp-*
sudo rm -fr $(locate openerp | grep -v ".deb" | grep -v ".tar")
The first command updates some data regarding the location of your system files. The second one removes (as a super-user) the path of openerp-server and openerp-client in a recursive (including sub-directories) manner. The third one does two things: first, it locates any file containing the string "openerp" in its path (including directories), except for the ones with .deb and .tar extensions.

Then, it removes them. It is also possible that you have to run this following prior to the second command:

sudo update-rc.d -f openerp-server remove
which will remove your init-scripts

That is the way. I found this way from by Good Luck :)


Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Cara mengubah bahasa di OpenERP

Saya ingin mengubah bahasa di OpenERP 6.1 pada ubuntu 12.04.

Buka folder melalui nautilus sehingga bisa mengedit file sebagai user admin. Caranya :

Kemudian masuk ke

File System/usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons/

Di sini tersimpan folder-folder modul-modul openERP.
Misalnya kita ingin sedikit bermain-main dengan bahasa yang ada di modul akuntansi. Maka kita buka folder

File System/usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons/account/i18n

Folder i18n merupakan folder tempat translasi bahasa sehingga.

Lalu buka file bernama id.po

Cari kata customer dan ubah seperti berikut ini.

msgid "Customers" --> merupakan id bahasa yang akan dirubah
msgstr "Pelanggan Cuy :)" --> string yang kita ganti

Lalu balik ke openERP di web browser.
Masuk ke modul SETTING
Kemudian Translation --> Load on Official Translation
Maka akan keluar tampilan berikut ini, lalu pilih bahasa Indonesia dan tekan tombol load. Nanti akan ada tombol close.

Sampai di sini, bahasa masih baru di load dan belum dirubah, kita masih perlu mengkonfigurasinya. Masuk ke Preference yakni dengan menekan tombol setup seperti berikut.

Lalu ubah Language menjadi bahasa Indonesia. Lalu klik Save.

Dan taraaaaaa.... hasil akhirnya seperti ini



Senin, 18 Juni 2012

The Simple Way Install OpenERP 6.1 in Linux Ubuntu 12.04

Here is the simple way to install openERP on Ubuntu! :D
I used openERP 6.1 and Ubuntu 12.04.

1. Upadate and Upgrade your Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Install Ubuntu Server with tasksel

sudo apt-get install tasksel

3. Install postgresql and some required phyton dependencies 
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client python-dateutil python-feedparser python-gdata python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako python-openid python-psycopg2 python-pybabel python-pychart python-pydot python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson python-tz python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-zsi

4. Download Latest Openerp all file

or you can download throught the browser  here.

5. Extract it, and nstall openErp server.

extract it
sudo dpkg -i openerp_6.1-1-1_all.deb

install it
sudo apt-get install openerp -f
if you download manually throught browser, that debian file was saved ini Download folder.
go to Donwload folder
cd Downloads

extract it
sudo dpkg -i openerp_6.1-1-1_all.deb

install it
sudo apt-get install openerp -f

6. Reboot

7. Access it ini web browser http://localhost:8069

Cheer... ~

source :


Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Cara Hotspot-an Menggunakan Laptop

Pengen hotspotan di rumah tanpa router, tapi pakai wifi di laptop sendiri?
Banyak yang bilang gampang.. tinggal bikin jaringan ad-hoc saja di laptop.

Eits, masalah muncul ternyata jaringan ad-hoc ini gak bisa dipakai di android..
Nah, gimana caranya biar bisa nyambung?